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Re: No Hot water in laundry room a housing violation? - Landlord Forum thread 358833

Re: No Hot water in laundry room a housing violation? by Jenn on December 19, 2018 @02:51

Not renewing I'd a pretty effed up thing to do. They can then get you for retaliation. Providing hot water in the laundry room should be a requirement of the landlord. Hot water kills bacteria!! Just think of all the nasty ass people in the building washing their dirty laundry on a daily basis. This is definitely a health code violation! I'm going through the same thing in my building and if its not fixed soon then I will be reporting also. I'm glad I read this. All of you slumlords get your shit together. Would you like washing your clothes in a filthy sesspool of bacteria?!! No, I don't think so
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