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Sick children ruining the property (CA) - Landlord Forum thread 362833

Sick children ruining the property (CA) by Johnny on June 22, 2024 @15:10

I've been renting out a property to a military family. The dad is always deployed and so it is the mom and 4 kids at the house. They pay rent and are otherwise good tenants, but their kids have some type of bowel issue. I get repair tickets for toilets that are destroyed and carpet stains. I don't know what to do.

They aren't like flushing things they shouldn't just the kids use the toilet so much and have had accidents on the carpet that it becomes an issue. I had a plumber take a look and he cannot see anything besides it is being used over and over again.

I asked mom about it and she said that her kids have digestion issues that require a strict diet. The side effect is that they have diarrhea all the time.

I don't know what to do besides not renew the lease.
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Re: Sick children ruining the property (CA) by Jack on June 25, 2024 @18:01 [ Reply ]
It should say in your lease you are not responsible for clogged toilets. Did you clog them? No.

Carpet stains aren't your problem either. Tell the tenant to buy an inexpensive carpet shampooer.
Re: Sick children ruining the property (CA) by Lpadave on June 27, 2024 @04:32 [ Reply ]
Careful now about discrimination claims for health conditions and or children

I’d say toilets don’t generally wear out excessively fast from excessive flushing
That’s what they are made to do
Rough treatment of seats, lids, tank tops and flush levers is, however NOT NORMAL USAGE.

kids using toilet seats as gym equipment is a common problem and I would bill that

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