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Landlord Newsletter - Deals and Dollars Club

Landlord Newsletter, Saturday July 29, 2016

I recently had the honor of being included in Lance Edward's Deals and Dollars Club Newsletter, which I'm sharing with you in this newsletter, not only because I'm happy to be in it, but because as real estate investors, I think you will find valuable information, tools and connections within it. So I hope you check it out and if you like it, subscribe to it!

Please e-mail us if you have any questions or would like to add or share any material / information. Thanks!.
John Nuzzolese


I'd like to introduce to you
Lance Edward's Deals and Dollars Club

Click on the image below for a clear copy the Deals and Dollars Free Real Estate Investor's Newsletter

Get into the Deals and Dollars Club!

July 20, 2016 Issue | | Vol. 2, No. 56


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